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General Purpose Revenue (GPR) Collections, FY2018
Fiscal Year 2018 Unaudited Final
Amounts in Thousands ($), rounded

Fiscal Year 2017



Jan 2018

Preliminary       FY 2018 Variance From Estimate
Individual Income   8,039,508  8,380,000  8,479,150     99,150
General Sales and Use   5,223,933  5,464,900  5,448,118    (16,782)
Corporate Income/Franchise      920,947      950,000      893,892    (56,108)
Public Utility      360,473      359,000      365,343       6,343
Excise Taxes      705,681      690,900      679,979    (10,921)
Cigarette      564,199      548,000      538,898      (9,102)
Tobacco Products        80,279        82,000        80,202      (1,798)
Liquor and Wine        52,078        52,000        51,970           (30)
Beer          9,125          8,900          8,909              9
Insurance      181,584      190,000      186,272      (3,728)
Miscellaneous        85,459        91,000        91,412          412
Total 15,517,585 16,125,800 16,144,166      18,366

General purpose revenue (GPR) tax collections increased 4.0% in fiscal year 2018 (FY17) to $16,144.2 million.  This is 0.12% more than the Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s January 2018 estimate, adjusted for subsequent law changes, of $16,125.8 million.

These are unaudited figures subject to final review by the State Controller’s Office prior to the publication of the Department of Administration’s Annual Fiscal Report to be released October 15, 2018.  Additionally, the Legislative Audit Bureau performs an audit of the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report which is published in December of each year.

These collections do not offer guidance on the budget balance for FY18.  Other general purpose revenues and the final general purpose revenue expenditures will have substantial bearing on the final budget balance.

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