Dem guv candidate Tony Evers is out with his first TV ad of the general election knocking Gov. Scott Walker for rejecting federal dollars to expand Medicaid.

The 30-second ad begins with video footage of Walker as a narrator asks, “Whose side is Scott Walker on?” accompanied by large subtitles.

The ad then transitions to more B-roll of Walker while the narrator knocks the guv for “playing politics” during his presidential bid and “rejecting millions in federal health care money that would’ve lowered costs for our families.”

The narrator compares Wisconsin to Minnesota, whose governor accepted the federal funding, while a graphic is shown in the background illustrating Wisconsinites pay 50 percent more for health care than their western neighbors.

“Scott Walker does what’s best for himself,” the narrator says as more footage of Walker is shown. “It’s time for a change and a governor who will do what’s best for us.”

The buy is six figures and will begin running on digital and TV statewide tomorrow.


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