Contact: Paul Caprio


Family-Pac Federal, a nationally recognized conservative action committee, today announced its endorsement and support of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars veteran Kevin Nicholson to be the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate in the August GOP Primary.

“Unlike the present Senate incumbent, Tammy Baldwin, we believe that Kevin Nicholson will properly represent the traditional values of Wisconsin taxpayers and families, ” said Paul Caprio, Director of Family-Pac Federal.

Kevin Nicholson, a Wisconsin native, has demonstrated his proven commitment to our country, his proven commitment to his family values, and his proven commitment to limited and constitutional government.

Caprio continued, “The super liberal incumbent, Tammy Baldwin, has defied the will of the majority of Wisconsin voters who in 2016 supported President Trump. Baldwin has opposed needed tax cuts for Wisconsin taxpayers and small businesses, opposed  outstanding female jurists appointed by the President, and opposed needed health care reform. Time after time, Tammy Baldwin has led the blind resistance to Trump policies instead of demonstrating the independence expected of a Wisconsin member of the U.S. Senate.”

Although Nicholson’s GOP opponent, State Senator Leah Vukmir, has compiled a consistent
conservative and pro-family record in Madison, we believe that because of his outstanding
qualifications, Kevin Nicholson would be the stronger candidate to defeat Tammy Baldwin.

We urge Wisconsin voters to “Send in a Marine” to the U.S. Senate this November.

Family-Pac Federal has sponsored events and provided support for conservative U.S. Senate candidates including Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Tim Scott, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Pat Toomey, Senator Joni Ernst, Senator Marco Rubio, and present U.S. Senate Candidate Attorney General Pat Morrissey (West Virginia).