Contact: Bryan Kennedy – (414) 517-3864

(Milwaukee) – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today announced a plan to create a new office of a Non-Profit Liaison to support philanthropic causes in Wisconsin.

“Philanthropic organizations in Wisconsin support tens of thousands of people every year,” said Flynn. “Providing education, health services, affordable housing, and many others, many people couldn’t survive without their support. As a result, it is time to work more closely with these organization by creating an office specifically tasked with working with them.

“Most non-profits know what they need and know how best to address the problems they tackle. Rather than stepping on toes, it is vital that the government works with them to provide what support and funding it can.

“Given the significant growth of the non-profit sector in Wisconsin over the past forty years, which now includes more than 30,000 registered charitable organizations, it requires a cabinet-level position devoted entirely to the health of the non-profit sector in the state. Rather than dealing with numerous state agencies, non-profit organizations should be able to communicate with one state leader, appointed by the governor, who will focus on their collective needs and goals.

“By creating this position, I would be publicly recognizing, on a sustained basis, the important contributions that these non-profit organizations make by giving the non-profit sector a direct line of communication to me as governor and a seat at the governor’s table.”

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