Contact: Bryan Kennedy, (414) 517-3864
(Milwaukee) – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today made the following statement regarding National Beer Day.
“Tomorrow is National Beer Day. Here in Wisconsin, we have a proud tradition of brewing dating back to the 1800s. From Miller and Leinenkugel to the New Glarus Brewing Company and the dozens of microbreweries across Wisconsin, the Badger State is truly the Brewing State.
“Knowing the economic value that beer production has on the state, as governor, I will continue to promote our role as a leader in brewing nationally. To that end I will support our breweries. Foreign companies like Foxconn can come to Wisconsin, but they must follow the same laws and pay the same taxes as Miller, New Glarus, and others.
“I will also support our hard-working brewers by standing up for workers’ rights. I will repeal Walker’s wage-killing Right-To-Work law so our UAW-represented brewers can continue to bargain for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.”