CONTACT: Jodi Muerhoff

Paul Ryan has been our representative in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District since 1999, but has decided to not run for re-election. Forward Kenosha celebrates his choice not to run and while Ryan has decided to stop, we will continue to advocate for candidates who will lift up ALL the citizens of our district and across our nation.

Ryan has been more than just missing in action; he has been out of touch with the needs of his constituents. For example, it has been 918 days since Ryan last held a public town hall for the people of his district. Meanwhile, he has advocated for policies that have harmed the people he represents and has not advocated for what his district needs: living wage jobs, quality and affordable healthcare, and tax relief for the middle class.

Paul Ryan could have used his position as Speaker of the House to do more good for his constituents and for the American people, but:

● Ryan didn’t hold President Trump accountable for his attacks on our democratic institutions such as our free press, our independent judiciary, our public education system and our election process;
● Ryan didn’t strongly condemn Trump’s tolerance and advocacy of racist policies and white supremacy;
● Ryan didn’t work for a permanent solution to the plight of America’s DREAMers;
● Ryan didn’t prevent the steady erosion of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and the vilification of immigrants in our country;
● Ryan didn’t heed the call for common sense gun reform in answer to the epidemic of gun deaths that have beset our country.

Ryan did none of these things. Instead, he attacked those who have the least by taking away healthcare from millions and advancing tax cuts that benefit the ultra-rich and wealthy corporations. He left the middle class behind. As our representative, Paul Ryan has failed us.

Ultimately, Paul Ryan sold out his district and his country for his gravely flawed political idealism. He leaves Congress a wealthy man, well funded by both the NRA and the Koch Brothers.

Paul Ryan didn’t represent his constituents during his time in office, but Forward Kenosha will continue to advocate for candidates who will lift up ALL the citizens of our district and bring about the change that benefits all of us.

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