Contact: Austin Altenburg

[Madison, Wis.] – Scott Walker traveled Wisconsin this past weekend to spend time with Wisconsin’s farmers and their hard-working families at dairy breakfasts as part of his efforts to stand up for Wisconsin’s dairy industry.

Earlier this month, Gov. Walker reinforced his commitment to our state’s dairy farmers by creating a task force that will help create real solutions for farmers, processors and allied organizations. Gov. Walker is getting positive things done for communities all across our state – in prioritizing our rural communities, the governor is once again proving his commitment to ensuring that every Wisconsin resident has the opportunity to win the 21st century.

Read the article on Fox 11 here or find the full article below:

Breakfast on the farm welcomes Gov. Walker
Fox 11 News

Sunday was a special Father’s Day Breakfast on the Farm in Brown County including a special appearance by Gov. Scott Walker.

The event, in De Pere, was aimed at educating people on how a dairy farm works, where food comes from, and the dairy industry in Wisconsin.

During the event we caught up with Gov. Walker and he spoke on the importance of helping dairy farmers.

“We just did a dairy task force about a week and a half ago, the more we can do to help to help our dairy farmers, the better because that’s really, literally the life blood of the state,” he said.

Money raised from the event will be used to provide free agriculture education programs to students in Brown County.

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