Contact: Travis Hartwig –

(BROOKFIELD) — State Treasurer Candidate Travis Hartwig announces key endorsement by Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund. He is the only Republican in the race for State Treasurer to receive this endorsement, highlighting his commitment to the pro-life movement and strong family values. Pro-Life Wisconsin describes Hartwig as 100% Pro-Life.

“On August 14th, Republican voters have a clear choice; my opponent is pro-choice, I am prolife. I promise to stand by organizations like Pro-Life Wisconsin and protect each and every innocent human life, in every way that I can” Stated Hartwig. “We need elected leaders in all levels of government that are dedicated to protecting the sanctity of life.”

“We proudly endorse these candidates who recognize the personhood of the preborn baby and hold the principled and compassionate no-exceptions pro-life position,” said Matt Sande, director of the Victory Fund PAC, in their press release. “Only when we have lawmakers who will fully protect preborn children as persons will we see an end to the scandal of legal abortion.” Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund’s entire press release can be seen at

Pro-Life Wisconsin describes itself as founded on the bedrock principle of the pro-life movement–that all preborn babies are “persons” and all innocent persons share the inalienable right to life–Pro-Life Wisconsin educates the public and lobbies elected officials. Believing that “it is never the will of the Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost” (Matthew 18:14), Pro-Life Wisconsin is a Christian organization relying on God to change hearts and minds toward His most precious creation of human life. To learn more about Pro-Life Wisconsin, we encourage you to visit

A primary for the Republican nomination for State Treasurer will be held Tuesday, August 14. The general election will be Tuesday, November 6.

Hartwig, who grew up in East Troy, holds a double major in Finance & Economics from Carroll University. He was a Mutual Fund Administrator at U.S. Bank Fund Services in downtown Milwaukee and owns a home in Oak Creek, WI.

Travis Hartwig is running for State Treasurer as a life-long conservative that believes Wisconsin taxpayers need a watchdog. He will use his experience to make the office more efficient and find ways to cut government spending because he believes that you do a better job of spending your hard-earned money than the government does.