Contact: Roger Putnam

Tuesday’s Election Validates Voter Concerns, Priorities – Health Care, Education, Transportation

(Pewaukee, Wis.) – Tony Evers has done what two previous democratic candidates against Walker failed to do – beat Walker. Why? Strong voter turnout, Evers’ laser-like focus on issues critically important to Wisconsin voters, Walker’s own abysmal record on those issues and intense activism by this union and others.

“We are elated to have fresh leadership in governor-elect Evers who from the very start of his campaign recognized the value of fixing this state’s roads and bridges, putting people to work and strengthening Wisconsin’s economy,” said Terry McGowan, president of Wisconsin Operating Engineers Local 139.

Local 139 was the driving force behind a six-month campaign dubbed “” that utilized multiple advertising platforms to highlight and illustrate the crumbling state of Wisconsin’s roads and bridges.

“Evers has shown leadership and courage on transportation issues and we believe that is what has been sorely missing the last eight years,” said McGowan. “We look forward to working with this new and exciting administration.”

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