Brad Wojciechowski

Green Bay — The following is a statement from Beau Liegeois, candidate for U.S. Congress on Paul Ryan’s Retirement.

“As I meet with people across the district, I continue to hear stories about how the disastrous Ryan-Gallagher agenda has left Wisconsin behind. We have a national debt that is growing faster than ever while our middle-class economy is stagnant, and they just passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill with a blank check.

Paul Ryan and Mike Gallagher’s only accomplishments were balancing a tax-giveaway for billionaires with proposed cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security which hurts our seniors, and a healthcare bill that would have eliminated health care for 24 million Americans. These policies were wrong, and they do not reflect Northeast Wisconsin values. We need a leader who will stand up for Northeast Wisconsin, and I am ready.”

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