Ald. Robert J. Bauman

(414) 286-3774

Milwaukee Ald. Bauman: Fire officials to explain reasoning behind marking abandoned homes

On Monday, September 10, the Joint Committee on Redevelopment of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes will hear from several City agencies about the Fire Department’s placement of placards on buildings that indicate they are abandoned.

Alderman Robert J. Bauman, chair of the Joint Committee on Redevelopment of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes, is concerned posting a placard indicating a home is vacant may mischaracterize a neighborhood as blighted while attracting a criminal element.

“Placing signage on a home that says the property is vacant is essentially a scarlett letter,” said Alderman Bauman. “It alerts criminals that the property is ripe for the picking to strip building materials, vandalize or engage in other illegal activities there. Furthermore this activity has been going on without the consent or guidance of the Common Council making it even more problematic.”

The committee will receive communication from the Dept. of City Development, Dept. of Neighborhood Services, Mayor’s Office, Fire and Police Commission and the Fire Department when it meets Monday, September 10, at 10 a.m. in room 301-B at City Hall, 200 E. Wells St. The meeting will be carried live on Spectrum Cable, AT&T U-Verse and the City Channel at

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