Contact: Ald. Russell W. Stamper, II, (414) 286-2659
Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II said he is pleased to be participating in an event tomorrow (Wednesday, April 4) marking national “CDBG Week.”
Alderman Stamper, chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee, said the weeklong initiative showcases the accomplished work through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. Tomorrow’s CDBG Week event will start at 2:30 p.m. at the newly renovated Welford Sanders Historic Lofts, 2821 N. 4th St.
“The City of Milwaukee and its residents have been positively impacted in many ways by the HOME program and CDBG funded programs, and it’s important for us to trumpet those success stories publicly. CDBG is vital to the success of our community and I am very much looking forward to participating in tomorrow’s CDBG Week program,” Alderman Stamper said.
In 2017 alone, the City of Milwaukee distributed $14 million in CDBG and HOME federal grant dollars. Agencies receive CDBG funds for services such as housing rehabilitation, rental assistance, business assistance and job creation, homeless shelters, eviction prevention, driver’s license recovery, after-school/summer youth programs, and job placement programs. CDBG not only funds services, but projects that provide employment opportunities to city residents. Positions such as case managers, community organizers and other community liaison positions are all supported through the federal grant. HOME dollars have assisted in rehabbing homes and new housing development throughout the City of Milwaukee.