Ald. Mark A. Borkowski

(414) 286-3768

A portion of Fairview neighborhood homes are eligible for a program to reduce the amount of clear rain water, also known as inflow and infiltration or I/I, from entering the sanitary sewer system. The program is a demonstration project from the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District (MMSD). Participation in this free, voluntary project will help to reduce the risk of basement backups in the area, according to Alderman Mark A. Borkowski.

“For this project to be successful, we are hopeful property owners will participate and grant the City right of entry into their homes to perform the work,” said Ald. Borkowski.

The program provides two solutions to help reduce I/I in the sanitary sewer system. The first solution is to rehabilitate the home’s sanitary building sewer lateral using trenchless cured-in-place pipe technology.  This work will seal leaking joints and cracks, prevent root intrusion into the lateral, and provide a new structural pipe to serve the home.

The second solution is to disconnect the home’s foundation drains from the sanitary sewer system, and install a sump pump in your basement. This work will prevent the ground water accumulated by your foundation drains from entering the sanitary sewer system.  Please note that if the home has an existing sump pump, it would not eligible to participate in the foundation drain disconnection portion of the project. Also note that upgraded electrical services are required to run a sump pump. If the residence does not have upgraded electrical services, an upgrade at the property owner’s cost will be required to participate.

A project area map is attached and can be found along with other program information on Ald. Borkowski’s webpage at

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