Contact: Brian Rothgery or 414-731-5052

MLWAUKEE – Supervisor Sequanna Taylor released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling in Janus vs. AFSCME Council 31.

“The Janus decision that came down today is a direct attack from those billionaires and millionaires who think our kids and their right to a great public education is for sale. They continue to try to get rid of unions, continue to take public money from public education, and continue to try to dominate people.

“By diverting public money that we invest for public schools, health care, and infrastructure to corporate ventures that benefit primarily their own bank accounts, millionaires and billionaires continue to try to bury us – but they forget that we are seeds.

“Public educators will continue to grow, fight, and overcome—even in the face of direct attacks by the wealthy. Teaching is a career that we do not take lightly. As long as millionaires and billionaires attack public schools and their students, teachers will organize, grow, and fight for every child’s right to learn in a robust, publicly supported setting.

“We will continue to galvanize. We will continue to advocate. We will continue to educate. And we will continue to fight for all students and their right to a great public education.”

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