CONTACT: NGA Press Office, 415-802-2423

Milwaukee, WI — On Tuesday, June 19, NextGen Wisconsin will stand in solidarity with Milwaukee’s African American community to celebrate freedom and achievement, while engaging with young voters and recruiting volunteers at this year’s Juneteenth Day Festival. Whether it is blocking the documentation of racial profiling by law enforcement or disenfranchising communities of color with his discriminatory voter ID law, Scott Walker has repeatedly used dog whistle politics to divide the state and ignored the concerns of the Black community in Milwaukee. Young people are fed up with Governor Walker’s racist policies and are ready to elect leaders who will stand up for all Wisconsinites.

NextGen Wisconsin is organizing young voters ahead of November to unseat Governor Walker and elect leaders who will fight for social justice and racial equality. The Juneteenth Day Festival comes in the wake of last Tuesday’s special elections where NextGen Wisconsin contacted over 10,000 voters and helped flip State Senate District 1, which voted for Scott Walker by 23 points in 2014. With an initial investment of $2.5 million and 31 staff and fellows already on the ground, NextGen Wisconsin is working to organize young voters in their communities and on 35 college campuses across the state this fall.

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