
Baldwin only calls for action when it is politically advantageous

June 20, 2018 – (Delafield, WI) – In a disastrous interview with CNN’s Brooke Baldwin earlier today, Senator Tammy Baldwin was unable to say whether she had stood up for families being separated at the border in 2014, despite feigned outrage today.

Baldwin’s liberal outrage about family separations was non-existent when the same practice occurred under the Obama administration in 2014. Baldwin was asked on air: “As so many people in this country were certainly outraged by the cages, thermal blankets, and the facilities housing these kids – you know, they were all there in 2014 under President Obama. My questions to you, Senator Baldwin, is did you speak up against them then?”

Baldwin responded: “You know, on this issue, when we uh, get into a moment when we’re making progress, and then when it – uh, when it stalls, uh, we turn around, I think we all need to continue to be focused on it and press it through. The American people need confidence that we can solve problems. Nobody believes that we have, uh, an immigration system that works. It is broken, it needs fixing, and we’ve just got to resolve to do that.”

The CNN reporter then goes on to ask, “But were you worried about it then? Did you raise your voice under the Obama Administration?”

Baldwin responded: “You know, in numbers of cases, usually, umm, I remember a constituent who was in detention at the border, uh, arguably very inappropriately, um, and we, uh, you know, raised our voice in that instance and many others. But that’s, uh, we’ve got to do this now in unison. It’s not enough to do it case-by-case, or Senator or House member by House member. We’ve got to resolve to fix this issue.”

Baldwin repeatedly stumbled, despite given a few opportunities to clarify when she stood up on behalf of families at the border during the Obama Administration, and cited one nameless constituent she claims to have helped. Her vapid response and clear inaction during Obama’s years of separating families along the border proves she is a partisan, only driven to action when it is politically advantageous.

Marine veteran and political outsider Kevin Nicholson issued the following statement regarding Baldwin’s unfortunate display of politics at its worst.

“Career politicians like Tammy Baldwin only care about the complex issues surrounding illegal immigration policies when it can be used in a partisan manner – and Wisconsin voters are sick of this politics-as-usual behavior.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is an Obama-Baldwin induced immigration ‘crisis.’ Baldwin’s inaction, as fully displayed on CNN today, proves that point.

You can trust that my decisions and actions in Washington will always be driven by what is best for the people of Wisconsin – not by party leaders, beltway elites, or faux election year outrage.”

Nicholson is a decorated Marine Corps veteran who served combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He currently works as a business consultant, helping companies solve their toughest problems. He is a first-time candidate running in the Republican primary to defeat Democrat Tammy Baldwin. He and his wife live in Delafield with their three young children.

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