Mike Browne, Deputy Director
(608) 444-3483

New Rule Intended to Further Undermine Planned Parenthood, Takes Away Women’s Rights

MADISON, Wis. — According to media reports, the administration of Donald Trump will impose new rules that would further restrict access to birth control. The measure would strip all federal funding from organizations that provide women with information about abortion or refer them to caregivers that provide the health care service.

The rule is intended to further undermine Planned Parenthood, which provides judgement free reproductive and and other healthcare services, including birth control, to women, men and families.

The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Institute Program Director Analiese Eicher:

“Donald Trump and his administration are trying to take away access to birth control and reproductive health care services from women.

“Birth control has helped women have control over their own bodies. And taking away women’s access to birth control is nothing less than taking away their rights.”

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One Wisconsin Institute is part of the Keep Birth Control Copay Free Wisconsin coalition, working to raise awareness about the benefits of copay free birth control, that also includes NOW Madison and NOW Wisconsin, BLOC, the Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health and the NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin Foundation.

For more information or to share your story about what keeping birth control copay free means, visit