For Immediate Release
July 17, 2018
Contact: Mayor Cory Mason, 262.636.9111
Anticipated $12M Investment to Bring Manufacturing Back to Long Vacant Business Park
RACINE, WIS. — The City of Racine, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Racine, and Racine County Economic Development Corporation (RCEDC) announced today the planned sale of eight acres in the City’s vacant Southside Industrial Park to Jacquet Metal Service (Jacquet). The anticipated sale will mark the return of manufacturing to the former Jacobsen Textron site.
“Racine has always been a great place to do business – especially for manufacturers,” said City of Racine Mayor, Cory Mason. “In 2007, Jacquet chose Racine and more than a decade later, they’re affirming that choice by once again investing in this community.”
Headquartered in Lyon, France, Jacquet is a service-oriented stainless steel and nickel alloy processing company with 42 facilities worldwide in 21 different countries. With four of its facilities located in the U.S., Jacquet’s Midwest operations have called Racine home since 2007.
Upon approval, Jacquet will expand its Midwest operations, currently located in a 40,000-square-foot leased facility on 1908 DeKoven Avenue. Planned development of the new Jacquet site will include the construction of two industrial buildings totaling an estimated 109,000 square feet, resulting in a nearly $12 million investment.
“Since opening in September 2007, our location in Racine has allowed us to provide the service oriented stainless and nickel alloy processing with fast turnaround our customers expect,” notes Dan Chatterton, CEO/Manager, Jacquet Midwest. “Our new investment will add to Jacquet Midwest’s processing and warehouse capacity to better serve our client base.”
Jacquet Midwest currently employs 19 and estimates it will add 12 new jobs upon completion of the project.
The City’s Redevelopment Authority is expected to consider the proposed sale to Jacquet Metal Service at its monthly meeting on July 19 at 6 pm. Upon approval of the purchase and sale agreement by the Redevelopment Authority, Jacquet Midwest expects to initiate construction on the first 54,000 SF building in 2018 with completion in 2019.