December 4th 2018

Contact: Logan Vidal (608) 266-8570

Madison – Rep. Jimmy Anderson released the following statement on the Extraordinary Session scheduled for today.

“Republicans have demanded that we hold a special session of the legislature and to do what? To make health care more affordable or accessible? No. To fix our crumbling roads? No. To invest in our schools? No. What Republicans want to do is spend millions of taxpayer dollars to rig an upcoming election and strip Governor elect Evers of powers that Governor Walker enjoyed for eight years. We won’t stand by and allow Republicans to cheat the system. The people of Wisconsin deserve better.”

“When you’ve gerrymandered yourself into a permanent majority, stripped power from a governor-elect to curtail his influence, and worked to suppress the vote, you’re no longer legislating for the state of Wisconsin, you’re legislating for yourself. We’ve had 8 years of 1 party dominance that has been used to enrich allies and thwart the will of the people. Republican leaders have tasted power, and it’s corrupted them through their core.”

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