CONTACT: Rep. Jill Billings
(608) 266-5780
Election year informs Walker’s initiatives
MADISON, Wis — Governor Scott Walker delivered the annual State of the State address this afternoon. Rep. Jill Billings (D-La Crosse) released the following statement after the governor’s speech:
“Gov. Walker touted putting money into our roads, but he neglected to mention that he has continued to drive our debt up by irresponsible borrowing while our roads have become the second worst in the entire nation. He boasted investing into our schools, yet he failed to admit that he vetoed increasing aid to rural districts,” Rep. Billings said. “Wisconsin Democrats support using sustainable funding sources to fix our crumbling roads, and we have been consistently fighting to increase funding to rural and low-revenue schools for years.”
“The rosy picture that the governor portrays doesn’t translate to reality for much of Wisconsin when his priority lies in a $4.5 billion investment in Foxconn, a foreign company settled in the southeastern corner of the state,” Rep. Billings said. “The governor mentioned several new initiatives, but, if he was serious about them, why didn’t he include them in the budget he signed just four months ago? We in Western Wisconsin can see through the governor’s flip-flopping and election year tactics.”