For more information contact: December 6, 2018
Rep. Brandtjen- (608) 267-2367
Madison, WI – State Representative Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) issued the following statement regarding the extraordinary session and its implications for the state of the Wisconsin Constitution.
“Our founding fathers created three co-equal branches of government. The powers of the governor, legislature, and attorney general are clearly defined in the Wisconsin Constitution and cannot be changed without a statewide referendum. The reforms I voted to support deal with the expansion of in-person absentee voting hours to include nights and weekends, free voter IDs, and preserving our promises to Wisconsin businesses through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). Governor Evers is not a victim; changes to appointments and additional transparency are simply good government.”
WEDC has brought a total of 7,174 jobs into the 22nd Assembly District by generating over $67 million. Without WEDC, Wisconsin cannot uphold the promises made to these businesses.
In the Extraordinary Session, the Assembly took up multiple bills in order to both tie up loose ends, as well as lay the ground work for working with Governor-elect Evers in a bi-partisan fashion.
Interestingly enough, not a single Wisconsin Democrat voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions, killing the bill.