Contact: Aaron Collins, 608-266-2254
Increased borrowing, delays, and deteriorating conditions continue under Walker
MADISON – Today, Republicans on the Joint Finance Committee voted to shift $67.3 million more in transportation funding to projects associated with the Foxconn site. This action comes after previously shifting up to $90 million from our State Highway Rehabilitation Fund to fund Foxconn-related roadwork. Assembly Democratic Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) released the following statement on these actions:
“The Governor has failed to address long-term transportation funding for 7 years, and today Republicans followed suit by voting to fund Foxconn-related roads over desperately needed infrastructure repairs all over the state,” said Rep. Hintz.“This vote sends a loud signal to every Wisconsin community that Republicans will continue prioritizing Foxconn over our deteriorating road conditions.”
In February, a memo from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) showed the Walker Administration will be raiding up to $90 million from the State Highway Rehabilitation Fund (SHR) to pay for local roads supporting Foxconn. This raid, which was not previously disclosed or discussed in the 2017-19 state budget process or the Foxconn legislation, is part of the $4.5 billion in public costs already associated with Foxconn. According to the LFB, it “would likely result in the delay of other, previously planned rehabilitation projects on state highways.”
Recent DOT estimates indicated that an additional $800 million per biennium would be needed over a ten-year period just to maintain current state highway conditions. Wisconsin has the sixth worst road conditions in the nation according to US News and World Report.
“If it wasn’t clear by now, as long as Governor Walker is in office, Foxconn will be his priority and our local roads will continue to worsen.”