Contact: Aaron White
Phone: 202-225-5506
Grant will help build new transit transfer center
Eau Claire – Today, U.S. Rep. Ron Kind announced that the city of Eau Claire received a $5 million grant from the Department of Transportation’s Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program. The grant will be used to build a transit transfer center in downtown Eau Claire, and add four new buses to the Eau Claire Transit system.
“Eau Claire’s busy and constantly expanding downtown is a magnet for small businesses, tourism, and outdoor recreation,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “I am excited to announce that Eau Claire has received this very competitive grant, and look forward to watching the new transit center help Eau Claire area businesses and commuters connect with the community.”
“Our booming downtown and growing city looks forward to the addition of a new transit transfer center in downtown,” said Dale Peters, Eau Claire City Manager. The city is very excited to receive this grant, which will allow us to improve the public transportation system for those who rely on the service in Eau Claire.”
The timing of construction is still being discussed by the city of Eau Claire.