Contact: Rep. Greta Neubauer, (608) 237-9166
Gov. Walker Finally Calls Special Elections, Legislative Republicans Won’t Change Elections Law for Political Purposes
MADISON, WI – Today, Representative Greta Neubauer (D-Racine) released the following statement regarding special elections called for SD-1 and AD-42:
“Today is a true victory for democracy in Wisconsin. Governor Walker has finally called special elections for the 1st Senate District and the 42nd Assembly District. Walker delayed for over ninety days and fought through three court rulings against him before finally acknowledging Wisconsinites’ right to equal representation in the legislature.
“Walker and the Republicans in our legislature threatened to rewrite election laws and leave the people of the 1st Senate District and the 42nd Assembly District unrepresented for over a year. In response, Wisconsinites across the political spectrum stood up and demanded action. They called the Capitol, wrote letters, attended hearings, and stopped legislators like me on the street to demand accountability, fair elections, and equal representation. This is their victory.”