Rep. Adam Neylon (608) 266-5120
Madison— Today State Representative Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) issued the following statement in response to a report on the state’s unemployment rate from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD):
“As Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Jobs & Economy, I take indicators like employment rates and jobs created numbers seriously, and I have to say, the economy looks to be in great shape. It’s exciting to see that the state’s unemployment rate has remained at the historic low of 2.9%, proving that Republican-led reforms are having a lasting, positive effect on Wisconsin’s economy. This isn’t just a statistical blip – this is true progress.
“The same DWD report showed Wisconsin adding 8,900 private sector jobs in the month of March. Combined with the revised report from the previous month, Wisconsin has seen an increase of 12,600 private sector jobs since the beginning of the year. Our labor force participation rate has now reached 68.7%, which is higher than the national average.
“There is still more work to be done, but reports like these are simply confirmation that job creators respond positively to reforms Republicans have made.”