Contact: Rep. Sondy Pope, 608-266-3520
Hello, this is State Representative Sondy Pope with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.
Despite last week’s attempts by legislative Republicans to override the will of the people, Wisconsin will continue to move forward toward a brighter future.
This week, Governor-elect Tony Evers and Lieutenant Governor-elect Mandela Barnes announced their statewide Building the People’s Budget tour.
For the first time in eight years, Wisconsin residents will be able to attend gubernatorial pre-budget listening sessions open to the public and share their priorities.
Governor-elect Evers understands that in order to solve the problems facing our state, we need to prioritize people over politics and get down to the work of governing.
It is possible to reinvest in public education, fix our roads, and improve healthcare – but it cannot happen without you.
The best future for Wisconsin is one that is by the people of our state, and for the people of our state.
These budget listening sessions show how Tony Evers will govern – for all of us.
So get involved today and make your voice heard.
Thank you.