June 25, 2018
Contact: Britt Cudaback,, 308-440-2939
MADISON – After weeks of refusing to take a stand on the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy and chalking up his silence to the issue being “federal policy” and “out of his jurisdiction,” today Governor Scott Walker decided to nevertheless wade into federal policy, calling for an end to international tariffs on products made in the United States. Representative Melissa Sargent (D-Madison) offered the following response:
“So, Scott Walker has time to celebrate National Selfie Day, sit down for lunch with Donald Trump, and weigh in on international tariffs, but is so overwhelmed and has his “hands full” as governor that he doesn’t have the time or energy to call for kids to stop being put in cages?
Never mind the fact that governors in numerous other states across the country have managed to find time in their busy schedules to both govern and call for these atrocities to end.
If this whole being governor thing is too much for Walker, maybe it’s time for someone to take that off his plate for him.”