Rep. Chris Taylor, 608-266-5342
MADISON – Today, Governor Walker and Speaker Vos announced that working families will get a pittance in tax relief compared to millionaires currently reaping stacks of cash from the Manufacturing and Agricultural Tax Credit, one of the largest corporate tax giveaways in Wisconsin history. In response, Rep. Taylor (D-Madison) issued the following statement:
“While hard working Wisconsin families are struggling to make ends meet to cover basic living expenses, the GOP continues to prioritize their wealthy friends and campaign donors. We need to repeal one of the biggest corporate tax giveaways in Wisconsin history. It is costing Wisconsin taxpayers $570 million this budget cycle and results in 15 multi-millionaires, each with incomes over $30 million dollars, reaping a $1.8 million tax windfall for just the 2017 tax year.
“Democrats are proposing real tax relief for hard working families with Assembly Bill 200, which repeals this millionaire tax giveaway and instead invests that money into hardworking low and middle income individuals and families. Unfortunately, we can’t even get a hearing on our bill. How fair is it that Republicans choose to give Wisconsin families crumbs while continuing tax windfalls to the most wealthy?”