For Immediate Release

July 3, 2018

Contact: Brian Evans, 630-217-7561

Kelda Roys: “The idea is that no one would ever serve a day in jail, no one would ever have a record, nobody would be convicted.”


The Cap Times: Kelda Roys: If Roe v. Wade is overturned, I would pardon anyone charged under state law
by Jessie Opoien, 7/3/2018


“…in this time of peril, certainly the most dangerous time for Roe v. Wade that we’ve ever had since 1973, it is essential that we elect somebody in Wisconsin who has been a champion on this issue and is unequivocal.”

The future of abortion access in states with criminal bans on the books has been called into question since Justice Anthony Kennedy announced last week that he will retire from the high court.

Under Wisconsin’s currently unenforceable ban, any person — other than the mother — who “intentionally destroys the life of an unborn child” is guilty of a class H felony, punishable by up to six years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000, or both.

If elected governor, Roys said, she would make it a priority to repeal Wisconsin’s abortion ban. If any physician were to be charged with violating the ban, she said, she would pardon him or her.

“The idea is that no one would ever serve a day in jail, no one would ever have a record, nobody would be convicted.”

“…because abortion is such a personal decision, that is exactly why we have to not let politicians make this decision, we have to make sure that individual people get to make these decisions.”

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