Contact: Ted Dick, 406-465-6317

Greitens’ alleged abuse and blackmail of woman is appalling, Roys says

Madison, WI – Today, former state representative and women’s rights advocate Kelda Roys called on Gov. Scott Walker to ask for Gov. Eric Greitens’ resignation from the board of the Republican Governors Association. The two GOP governors serve together on the board, where Walker recently stepped down as president and Greitens was his protégé. Walker campaigned vigorously for Greitens during his election.

“Mistreating women is never acceptable. Too many GOP leaders, including Gov. Walker, looked the other as over a dozen women accused President Trump of assault and harassment. In the wake of the tremendous #metoo movement, however, women are not going to be silenced and pushed aside any longer.

“Now, Gov. Walker’s fellow RGA board member, Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, has been accused of blackmailing a woman with revenge porn, having photographed her nude without consent after blindfolding her and binding her hands during a consensual encounter. It’s time for Gov. Walker to stand up to this appalling, abusive behavior – even when perpetrated by fellow Republican governors or presidents. I call on Gov. Walker to denounce Gov. Greitens and call for his resignation as governor and from the RGA board.”

Kelda Roys, 38, is a small business owner, former state representative, and longtime advocate for women and families. She is running for governor of Wisconsin.