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Janesville, WI — House Speaker and Wisconsin’s First District Congressman Paul Ryan issued the following statement in response to the results of the 2018 midterm elections:

“Tonight history has repeated itself. A party in power always faces tough odds in its first midterm election. It is always hard to see friends and good colleagues work so hard and fall short. Yet I’m proud of the campaign that our members and candidates ran in a challenging political environment. I congratulate Democrats on a new House majority and Senate Republicans for maintaining theirs. We don’t need an election to know that we are a divided nation, and now we have a divided Washington. As a country and a government we must find a way to come together to find common ground and build on the successes of this Congress.

“It has been an incredible honor to lead the House over the past three years. We have made an enduring contribution to the strength and prosperity of this country, and for that I will always remain proud.”

NOTE: On average, a president’s party has lost 32 House seats in midterm elections, going back to 1862.

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