Contact: Melissa Sargent

An unprecedented April snowstorm did not deter Melissa Sargent and her supporters as they collected signatures from throughout the 48th Assembly District. Sunday April 15th was the first day that candidates could collect signatures to be placed on the fall ballot.

This morning incumbent representative to the 48th Assembly District Melissa Sargent submitted more than the 200 required signatures to be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the 48th Assembly District. Acccording to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, Sargent was the first fall candidate to complete the signature gathering process.

“Despite the snow, ice, and wind, neighbors and friends came to assist in gathering nomination signatures,” said Sargent. “I am honored to have amazing supporters. The past few days were a wonderful reminder of what makes our community such a special place. I have had great conversations on the north and east sides of Madison and I look forward to continue gathering nomination signatures from every corner of the 48th Assembly District.”

“I know that when we work together we can build a Wisconsin that works for all of us,” added Sargent.
“My neighbors share my commitment to making sure Wisconsin is once again a state where everyone is safe, can reach for their dreams, and where we invest in a better tomorrow.”

Melissa is a wife, mother of four sons, and a lifetime Madisonian who knows an effective government prioritizes the needs of the everyday people. She is currently serving her third term in the Wisconsin State Assembly reprerenting the 48th district. The district includes Madison’s north and east sides, as well as the Village of Maple Bluff.

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