Contact: Sen. Tim Carpenter, (608) 266-8535
(MADISON) – Today, Senator Tim Carpenter announced he will introduce a bill that will require a 2/3 vote for passage of bills, resolutions and appointments in any future legislative “lame duck” sessions.
“Governor Walker’s legacy has been severely tarnished by his hypocritical action in signing the lame duck session bills last Friday. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald sullied their reputations by masterminding a coup against voters and limiting the powers of incoming Governor Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul.”
“The tactics of these Republicans are an embarrassment to Wisconsin’s good government reputation and a black eye to our democracy.”
“The Republican’s blatant power grab proves they care more about protecting their own power than protecting the public interest. Walker, Fitzgerald and Vos proved they should not be trusted to respect the wishes of Wisconsin voters and the integrity of our democratic institutions.”
“It is because of this sad reality that it seems absolutely necessary to introduce legislation requiring that actions taken in “lame duck” sessions require a 2/3 vote to pass legislation. This will ensure that future such sessions are not just used as occasions to take power away from an incoming Governor and Attorney General strictly for partisan purposes and shenanigans.”