For Further Information Contact: State Senator David Craig (608) 266-5400

Sen. Craig: Responds to comments from Tony Evers’ DPI about parents’ ability to homeschool

Madison, WI — Today, State Senator David Craig (R-Town of Vernon) responded to the comments from Tony Evers’ Department of Public Instruction (DPI) communication director who stated that “most parents don’t have [the] capacity” to homeschool their children or “train a student”. Senator Craig released the following statement:

“Whether intended to demean homeschool parents or not, these comments from DPI exhibit the view of central planners in Madison who sincerely believe that bureaucrats know what is best for kids more so than their own parents. These statements demonstrate yet another symptom of a government that is too large and thinks too highly of itself.

“America was built on the ideal that the family’s influence on a child should be greater than that of the government’s. It seems as though DPI would rather elevate government bureaucrats and diminish the role of parents in the lives of their children.”

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