State Senator David Craig
(608) 266-5400

Madison, Wis. – Today, Senator David Craig (R-Town of Vernon) released the following statement in response to Governor Scott Walker’s State of the State Address:

“In 2009, Wisconsin saw record unemployment, massive tax increases, and businesses leaving the state in droves. Our economic forecast and our state fiscal house was a mess. Wisconsinites recognized that we could do better.

“Since taking office, Governor Walker and Republican majorities have cut taxes by over $8 billion, unemployment is to down to 3 percent – the lowest in state history, and our regulatory reforms have made our state more attractive for job creators. Our reforms are working, but we have more work to do.

“I will continue my focus on creating a favorable climate for job creators, limiting the size of government, cutting taxes, and crafting structural reforms to ensure that my constituents, and taxpayers around the state, can be confident they are getting the most efficient, prudent, and responsible government possible. I am particularly anxious to get to work on the Governor’s initiatives on reforming our welfare system and helping to get able bodied adults back to work.”

Senator Craig represents the 28th Senate District which is comprised of portions of Waukesha, Walworth, Racine, and Milwaukee Counties.