For Immediate Release                                                   Contact: Sen. Hansen
January 18, 2018                                                                        608-266-5670
Hansen:  Governor Should Call Special Elections
Voters in the 1st Senate District and 42nd Assembly District should be represented
(Madison)—State Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) joined a growing chorus of legislators and concerned citizens calling on Governor Walker to call special elections to fill two legislative seats vacated by Republicans in favor of higher paying jobs in the Walker administration.
“It’s bad enough that people living in these districts have been left high and dry by two Republicans who chose a bigger paycheck over fulfilling their responsibilities to their constituents.  But now to be told they will have to go without representation until 2019 because the Governor and Republicans are afraid of losing more elections is beyond the pale,” said Hansen whose senate district borders the 1st Senate District.
Since Senator Lasee retired, Hansen said his office has been receiving calls from people living in the 1st Senate District who are unsure who to talk to now that they don’t have their own state senator.
“The people of the 1st Senate District deserve to have someone from their area representing them in the State Senate and they shouldn’t have to wait until November because Governor Walker and Senate Republicans are afraid of losing another election.”
With over two months remaining in the legislative session and the Governor calling yet another special session there is no reason to deny voters in the 1st Senate District or the 42nd District their right to be represented.
“People in these districts should not be denied representation because the Governor and his party are afraid of another political loss.  This is one of the reasons people want change. They are tired of their needs and interests being lost in the petty bickering and political game playing that have become the hallmark of Republican rule in this state and in this country.”
“It is time for Governor Walker to put the interests of the people living in the 1st Senate District and 42nd Assembly District before his and the Republicans’ desire to hold onto power and make the call for special elections.”