Contact: Senator Devin LeMahieu
Special Session on Welfare Reform Highlights 2018 Agenda
Madison – Senator Devin LeMahieu (R-Oostburg) issued the following statement following Governor Walker’s State of the State Address:
“Wisconsin’s unemployment rate is at 3.0%, the lowest on record. More people are working than ever before. Last year, great area businesses like Johnsonville Sausage, Sargento, Masters Gallery Foods, DOWCO, Amerequip, MilliporeSigma, and Acuity all underwent expansions to add more than 500 new jobs.
“However, with record low unemployment comes new challenges. We need to take additional steps to strengthen Wisconsin’s workforce. Our past reforms have helped more than 25,000 individuals transition from government assistance to gainful employment. The Wisconsin Works for Everyone reform agenda will help connect even more people on welfare with job training and job placement opportunities.
“I look forward to working with Governor Walker and my colleagues to keep Wisconsin moving in the right direction.”