November 8, 2018
Contact: Sen. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) 608-266-5490

Weekly Democratic Radio Address: “Democratic Vision for Wisconsin”

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the challenges ahead in 2019 and the Democratic solutions to help Wisconsin families.

“Our state does better when we all work together. Rather than pitting families against one another and favoring out-of-state corporations at the expense of home-grown businesses, we should work to level the playing field and make sure that everyone who works hard has the opportunity to succeed.” Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling.

“With a new legislative session just around the corner, Senate Democrats are committed to advance clear ideas and a balanced approach to address the challenges facing our state.

“In order to grow our economy, we must invest in our local public schools, support small business growth and build the infrastructure needed to compete in the 21st century. Democrats will continue to push for solutions that grow our middle class, encourage innovation and promote economic opportunities.

“Our state does better when we all work together. Rather than pitting families against one another and favoring out-of-state corporations at the expense of home-grown businesses, we should work to level the playing field and make sure that everyone who works hard has the opportunity to succeed.

“Senate Democrats remain united in the Wisconsin Way Forward that expands access to affordable health care, expands the family medical leave act, and invests in our infrastructure and local public schools.

“These are the issues that impact families across Wisconsin and these are the issues that families want fixed.

Thank you.”

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