Senator Patrick Testin, (608) 266-3123
More people are working in Wisconsin than ever, and our unemployment rate is below 3%.
Hi. I’m State Senator Patrick Testin from Stevens Point, and I’m here to celebrate Wisconsin’s workforce opportunities.
Even with record workforce participation, Wisconsin businesses are in need of qualified workers. Each month, I work a day “on the job” with a different business in my district to highlight the variety and quality of available jobs.
I’ve worked construction, harvested cranberries, brewed beer, served drinks, packed minnows, chopped hay, swept floors, and much more.
It’s important to recognize that there is dignity in work. No matter what color your collar is, there are family supporting jobs available.
As a Republican, I’m committed to creating ways for the future workforce to harness their passions and put their talents to work. Whether that involves an advanced degree, four years of college, technical education, or an apprenticeship, Wisconsin needs to encourage multiple pathways to success.
Over the course of this session, the Republican legislature has increased funding for worker training, created incentives for student entrepreneurs, and made it easier for young people to complete apprenticeships. We are committed to strengthening Wisconsin’s greatest resource – our people.
Thank you for your time- if you’d like to know what jobs are available in your area, please visit – and put your passion to work!