CONTACT: Van Wanggaard, 608-266-1832

MADISON – Senator Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) has been named as the Chairman of the State Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety for the 2019-20 legislative session. This marks the third consecutive session that Wanggaard has chaired this important committee.

“Judiciary and Public Safety is typically one of the busiest committees, and I am honored that Senator Fitzgerald has shown this confidence in me,” said Wanggaard. “I look forward to continuing to advocate for crime victims, making our communities safer, protecting 2nd Amendment rights and ensuring justice in this role.”

Wanggaard noted the diversity of important issues flowing through Judiciary and Public Safety committee. In years past, human trafficking, domestic abuse, drunk driving, and 2nd Amendment bills have been heard before the committee. Last session, the committee played a crucial role in the reform of Wisconsin’s juvenile corrections system among other issues.

In addition, Governor-Elect Evers has stated that justice and corrections reform will be a priority in his new administration. These issues have typically been heard before the Judiciary and Public Safety committee.

“I am interested to hear Governor-Elect Evers’ plans for reform,” added Wanggaard. “But I would also caution him that anything undermining public safety, or releasing so-called “nonviolent” offenders will be met with a skeptical eye. As legislators our number one job must be to keep our communities safe. I am remain committed to this goal.”

As Judiciary and Public Safety chair, Wanggaard will also become an ex-officio member of the Judicial Council, and Chair of the Law Revision Committee. Wanggaard was previously re-elected by his colleagues to serve as Majority Caucus Chairperson for the next session. The next legislative session begins on January 7, 2019.


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