Summary: This morning at the House Republican leadership press conference, Speaker Ryan discussed how we can build on recent economic progress by passing the farm bill conference report, which includes reforms to the integrity of federal benefits programs to encourage work.
Opening Statement:
“We’re coming up on one year since the tax reform bill was made into law.
“In that time, we have seen unemployment hit record lows, we have seen economic confidence hit record highs.
“Millions of jobs have been created. Businesses have upped their investments.
“Workers have seen bigger paychecks, workers have seen bonuses, they’ve seen better benefits.
“Now we have another chance to build on this progress.
“Just yesterday it was reported that there are more than seven million open jobs right now. Seven million jobs, open for Americans to take.
“There are so many opportunities, but too few people able to take advantage of them.
“Now we have a chance to help people off of the sidelines, get the right skills, and get into the workforce.
“It’s a perfect time to get people out of poverty, into lives of self-sufficiency, into good-paying jobs and careers.
“The House and the Senate reached an agreement on the final farm bill.
“This bill strengthens work requirements and boosts work supports, so that more people are spurred toward opportunities.
“I want to thank Secretary Perdue for his lead on this issue. He spoke to us today in our conference. This bill ensures that he can do his part on workforce development.
“I want to thank Chairman Conaway, and all the members of the House Agriculture Committee, for their commitment to getting this across the finish line.
“This farm bill delivers on the certainty and support that our farmers need.
“And this bill includes very important forestry management reforms that are important to guard our communities against health risks like wildfires.
“So, this is an effort that is a great step in the right direction.
“It will help us get people out of poverty, into careers, into skills, and this is something we should be passing and putting on the president’s desk momentarily.”