WASHINGTON—House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement upon the passage of the three bills comprising the Tax Reform 2.0 package:
“Tax reform is already an incredible success story. In little more than nine months, we have seen a resurgence of broad-based economic growth, lifting families, workers, and small business owners into optimism and opportunity. The results speak for themselves: The American economy and its workforce are thriving. The three bills passed this week will continue to propel this growth.
“On top of making lower rates for individuals and small businesses permanent, these bills create new savings options for families to plan for education and retirement. They also take the long overdue step of codifying a definition of life into the tax code, and allow penalty-free withdrawals from retirement plans for birth and adoption expenses. And this package promotes innovation and entrepreneurship to help cultivate start-up companies—essential drivers of job creation.
“I thank the members of the Ways and Means Committee for making this legislation a priority. Their work will help ensure a more prosperous America for years to come.”