1st CD Republican Bryan Steil says he’s committed to providing “opportunity, good-paying jobs and strong communities” for the next generation in his latest TV ad.

The 30-second ad, which the campaign expects will be his final one in the race, opens with Steil saying he “was taught to work hard and do the right thing” while growing up in the state.

“That’s what makes our communities better,” he continues.

The ad then jumps to footage of Steil talking to various potential voters as the UW regent introduces himself and says “this campaign is about us.”

“In Wisconsin, we have a long history of success and we owe it to the next generation to provide opportunity, good-paying jobs and strong communities,” Steil tells the camera. “That’s my commitment to you and I’m ready to go to work.”

The ad ends with Steil telling viewers he’d “be honored to serve you in Congress.”

Campaign spokesman Andrew Iverson said the ad is running in the Milwaukee market on broadcast and district-wide on cable. Iverson said the campaign will also “aggressively promote” it on Facebook, Youtube and Hulu, as well as other video platforms.

The buy, he said, is around $250,000 for the week leading up to the election.