Contact: Libbie Wilcox
c. 917-536-6991
Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 6014, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act of 2018 (FVPSA), bipartisan legislation introduced by Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04). In response to the passage of her bill to reauthorize the primary federal funding source to support emergency shelter and assistance for victims of domestic violence and their families, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:
“This week, Dr. Blasey Ford’s brave testimony helped uplift sexual assault and violence in the nation’s zeitgeist. Congress must respond to this fierce energy for justice and equality for women by enacting critical legislation like FVPSA to protect victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse and to ensure that resources are available when they need help.
“FVPSA is at the heart of our nation’s response to domestic violence services, ensuring that local domestic violence shelters and programs are able to keep their lights on and doors open to serve more than 1.3 million victims and their children every year. It is essential that this legislation continues to the Senate and is signed into law so that FVPSA can enable communities to stand up for victims of domestic violence.”