Pat McIlheran
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this on Wednesday after the defeat of a vote, forced by Democrats, to overrule a Trump administration rule that restored consumer choice in the short-term limited duration (STLD) insurance market.
“A recent study from eHealth found coverage for a family of three in Milwaukee could cost as little as $1,211 for an STLD plan, compared to $16,374 for an Obamacare plan. STLD plans coexisted with Obamacare for years. Senator Baldwin’s claim that the new rule ‘rewrite[s] the rules on guaranteed health care protections’ is simply false.
“The rule expands affordable options and leaves Obamacare plans’ pre-existing conditions provisions untouched. The reality is that for the forgotten men and women, Obamacare premiums are unaffordable. According to estimates from the Urban Institute, of the 4.3 million who will buy STLD plans, 1.7 million will be those who would otherwise be uninsured. A vote to overturn this rule is a vote against affordable health insurance, and a vote against personal freedom and choice.”
Under Obamacare, premiums in the individual market have doubled and tripled in Wisconsin in some cases, and have more than doubled nationally. For years leading up to the issuance of the Trump administration’s final rule, Sen. Johnson was an outspoken advocate of increasing access to short-term limited duration plans to improve consumer choice and help reduce health care costs.
A timeline of Sen. Johnson’s work on STLD plans can be found below, and a packet of the senator’s past letters and August comments on the final rule can be found here.
Background on Senator Johnson’s work on STLD plans
June 8, 2017: Sen. Johnson’s letter to former Secretary Price can be found here.
Aug. 14, 2017: The Wall Street Journal editorial on Senator Johnson’s 2017 letter can be found here.
June 8, 2018: Sen. Johnson’s letter to secretaries Mnuchin, Azar and Acosta can be found here.
August 1, 2018: Sen. Johnson’s comments on the final rule which expands options and provides flexibility for consumers can be found here.