Contact: Jessica Ward, (608) 213-5939

Brookfield, Wis. — Packers fan and U.S. Senate candidate Leah Vukmir called out Sen. Tammy Baldwin for pandering to Green Bay football fans on Thursday by requiring northern broadcast networks to show Packers broadcasts.

“Wisconsinites are too smart to fall for Sen. Baldwin’s phony political games. This shows how desperate she is to win re-election,” Leah said. “Baldwin can’t stand on her actual record, so she hijacked Rep. Duffy’s bill to help northern Wisconsinites view Packers games. Where was Tammy Baldwin when Duffy introduced this bill?”

“Baldwin’s San Francisco donors — 49ers fans — don’t have this particular problem, so she was likely unaware of it until returning to Wisconsin during campaign season. Two-faced Tammy is facing a tough election, so in predictable fashion, she NOW conveniently says she wants to help northern Wisconsin. Tammy, voters will see through this horrible political ploy.”

Rep. Sean Duffy has introduced a version of this bill multiple times, and Baldwin never worked with him to get a solution passed until she needed it during an election year.