Contact: Jessica Ward, (608) 213-5939
Brookfield, Wis. — U.S. Senate candidate and state Sen. Leah Vukmir issued the following statement Thursday in support of President Trump’s proclamation to send National Guard troops to secure the Mexican border:
“After decades of Congressional inaction to secure our border, I stand with President Trump as he takes much-needed action and sends the National Guard to protect our country from the invasion of illegal aliens. Enough is enough. We can no longer allow the never-ending inflow of criminal illegals and drugs to come into America to terrorize our communities.
“Sen. Baldwin has a consistent record of letting these lawless criminals run amok and victimize our families, friends and neighbors. When I’m elected to the U.S. Senate, Wisconsin can be sure they will have a senator who supports law and order and will support the building of the wall on our southern border.”