Contact: Jessica Ward, (608) 213-5939

Brookfield, Wis. — The National Rifle Association-Political Victory Fund endorsed Leah Vukmir in the Republican primary to be Wisconsin’s next U.S. Senator on Tuesday.

“As a lifelong Wisconsinite and ardent defender of the Second Amendment, Leah has always stood strong for the right to self-defense and our nation’s hunting and recreational shooting heritage,” said Chris Cox, NRA-PVF chairman. “We are proud to endorse Leah’s candidacy for the 2018 Republican U.S. Senate Primary in Wisconsin.”

The NRA-PVF’s letter of endorsement can be found here.

“We must send a senator to Washington who we know will fight for our constitutional rights —our right to bear arms is at the top of the list,” Leah said. “I am thankful for the trust that the NRA is putting with me in this race. Now more than ever, the reactionary left is ready to restrict our gun rights. Wisconsinites need another senator we can be 100-percent sure will stand her ground for lawful gun owners, and they can count on me.”

Based on her proven track record of supporting the Second Amendment, Leah earned an “A+” rating from the NRA-PVF for the Aug. 14 Republican primary election. An “A+” rating is reserved for a pro-gun lawmaker who has an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues and who has made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.

Leah has been a conservative leader in Wisconsin advancing the rights of gun owners. She was a co-author of Wisconsin’s concealed carry law, Castle Doctrine and the law that eliminated the 48-hour waiting period on handgun purchases. She was also a co-author of and pushed for the bill that would allow constitutional carry in Wisconsin.