Contact: Austin Altenburg
Walks in Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade, discusses Foxconn, workforce development, other reforms to keep moving Wisconsin forward
[Madison, Wis.] – Scott Walker traveled to Kenosha on Sunday to celebrate America’s independence early with local veterans and hard-working families, walking in the Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade and sharing his optimistic vision to help Wisconsin win the 21st century.
With 13,000 jobs, capital investment of $10 billion, and involvement by workers in 60 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties so far, Foxconn’s investment in Wisconsin will have a statewide impact. With a record-high workforce participation rate and a record-low unemployment rate, Wisconsin is ready for business. Scott Walker is turning our state around for communities all across Wisconsin, once again demonstrating his commitment to build on his conservative reforms and keep Wisconsin moving forward.
Read the article from the Kenosha News here or find excerpts below:
Walker takes to campaign trail with parade stop in Kenosha
By Terry Flores
Kenosha News
July 1, 2018
Gov. Scott Walker took to the campaign trail in Kenosha Sunday, taking part in the Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade and meeting with residents outside Sir Claude’s Barber and Beauty, 2327 63rd St. …
On the heels of the groundbreaking of Foxconn’s $10 billion manufacturing facility in Racine County, Walker also spoke about the need to create a bigger, better-trained workforce.
“We actually have more job openings right now … than we have (workers to fill them). … There’s a job for everyone who wants a job in the state of Wisconsin even before Haribo and Foxconn (opens),” he said. “Our biggest challenge now is to make sure every one of our graduates is trained and that we can find a career path for everyone in the state.”…