Contact: Austin Altenburg
[Madison, Wis.] – Scott Walker crisscrossed the state this past weekend to join folks at Flag Day parades and stand up for Wisconsin’s farmers and their families at dairy breakfasts.
Governor Walker joined hard-working families this weekend to celebrate the American Flag, and what it stands for, and to stand up for Wisconsin’s dairy industry. Just last week, Gov. Walker took his commitment to our state’s dairy farmers to the next level by creating a task force that will help us create real solutions for farmers, processors and allied organizations. Gov. Walker is getting positive things done for communities all across our state – in prioritizing our dairy farming communities, the governor is once again proving his commitment to ensuring that every Wisconsin resident has the opportunity to win the 21st century.
Check out what’s in the news:
From WBAY: “Governor Walker spent time with farmers at the Breakfast on the Farm in Mishicot. … The governor was serving up eggs and talking about the future with dairy farmers. ‘Our farmers, as well as our manufacturers in other businesses, can compete with anyone in the world. If we are on a level playing field. I think the right answer is just no tariffs for anyone,’ said Walker.”
From the Herald Times Reporter: “Even on a cloudy day, almost 5,000 people came out for Breakfast on the Farm at United Vision Dairy in Mishicot Sunday, including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Walker was found serving eggs at the farm Sunday to each of the 4,833 people who attended the event…”
From WISC: “Gov. Scott Walker was there Saturday and helped serve food. The event is ‘just a great tradition here in the state of Wisconsin, making our way all over the place and seeing people and recognizing the importance of the dairy industry here,’ he said. Walker also attended the breakfast in Sauk County.”
From TMJ4: Governor Scott Walker traveled to Waubeka for the day’s festivities. ‘To have kids think about the importance of the flag and all that is stands for, now as it was then, it’s important,’ said Governor Walker.”